Sunday, 1 April 2012

We pooped, we puked, we partied

Hello and welcome to another addition of Site 2 Blog. Our time in Durban started off a little bit rocky and rough. Sickness overcame some of the group but we conquered that and enjoyed our time. The visit to Durban consisted of visiting temples and learning about the different religions that the East Indian people of Durban follow. Did you know that Durban has the largest Indian population outside of India? We enjoyed curry; for some it was delicious and others couldn’t handle the heat. The home stays were very enjoyable and each group had their own unique experiences. For myself, I enjoyed the home and talking with the family every night learning about them and what they do. Very fun. We also got into the Soap Opera scene and we are all into Days of our Lives and other amazing t.v programs. We learned about how the East Indian people came to South Africa and how Ghandi helped in the movement towards abolishing apartheid. A very interesting experience and we ended it off with a visit to Ushaka!! A wet and wild, fun filled day. Waterslides and lazy rivers filled our last day in Durban. All in all it was a fun experience. Well that is all folks. Until next time.

By: Hugo Malan

1 comment:

  1. Hugo, speaking of Gandhi, some of the fiercest battles of the Anglo-Boer War took place in KwaZulu-Natal. At the Siege of Ladysmith, four future leaders of nations were present at the same time: Louis Botha (fighting as a Boer commander, later became the first Prime Minister of South Africa); Winston Churchill (worked as a war correspondent for Britain); Gandhi (was a medical orderly/stretcher-bearer for the British); Dinuzulu kaCetshwayo (Zulu king - negotiated with the leaders for the land and future of the Zulus). As you probably know, uShaka, where you had so much fun, is named after Shaka, another formidable Zulu king.
    Here endeth History 101...
